My progect plan:

  • Create a quiz similar to the example (Just to get a feel for the program)
  • Brainstorm (How to make my website/ function stand out)
  • Create (Use what I know from building the original quiz and the brainstorm plan to create what website I had in mind)
  • Check/ Ask (Ask teacher and classmates if anything needs to be added or changed)


For my code I used a simple repeating command “on event (“Button name”,”click”, function(){“ (what this did was basically set the command for a button to take you to a separate page)

Data Abstraction

An example of Data Abstraction in this program is the “font size” chart. It holds multiple selections that represent different sizes. A random number function takes a random size selection from the list and sets the default font size to that selection.

The point

The point of the assignment was to get comfortable with but specifically java script.

Managing Complexity

An example of complexity management in this quiz is the layout. The quiz is divided into two parts: pasword and exploration in the program. This can easily be seen in the first part of the code, each command has its own defined function.