class Question:
     def __init__(self, prompt, answer):
          self.prompt = prompt
          self.answer = answer

question_prompts = [
     "What is the name of the syntax that can pass variables in html? \n\n",
     "What is it called for a command you give your computer? \n\n",
     "Is it important to define your varibles?\n\n",
     "If you do not definne your varibles what will happen when you try and run the code?\n\n",

questions = [
     Question(question_prompts[0], "liquid"),
     Question(question_prompts[1], "input"),
     Question(question_prompts[2], "yes"),
     Question(question_prompts[3], "syntax error"),

def run_quiz(questions):
     score = 0
     for question in questions:
          answer = input(question.prompt)
          if answer == question.answer:
               score += 1
     print("you got", score, "out of", len(questions))


you go 4 out of 4